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Image illustrating a damaged and a healthy environment in contrast.

5 Simple Tips for Marketing Sustainability [Even to conventional customers]

Ever sit on a one-legged stool? It’s actually possible. But it sure doesn’t support you the way a stool with three legs does. Look at much of the media and marketing messaging around ‘sustainability’, and you might think polar bears are its primary beneficiaries. Look solely at some business sustainability indexes, and you might not realize environment was even included in the definition of sustainability. But like that much-more-stable stool, sustainability has three pillars (or 4, or more, depending on which definition you favor), and failing to market each of those pillars can blunt your reach. At a minimum, sustainable systems, products, or practices should provide benefit not just environmentally…

Make it easy for readers to love your content

Struggling with how to create content that draws your prospects in, and keeps them coming back for more? A surprisingly good place to start is reviewing the basics. Because another word to describe the basics of your content is Foundation.   If you hit on these key pieces, your content has a good chance of catching – and keeping – your audience’s attention. Missing here can send readers away before they’ve realized you have just what they’re seeking. So here’s short list (we’ve all got enough on our minds right now, right?) of super simple basics, that can make a huge difference in whether a prospect digs into your content…