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How can case studies support your marketing?

Wondering how case studies can support your marketing goals? Maybe you have a new case study, but aren’t sure how to make the most of it. Or maybe you have a great CASE, and you know the story needs to be captured, but aren’t sure where to go from there. Here are a few handy tips to get you started, and you can find even more HERE. Case studies belong on your website Start with your homepage Your homepage may be the only page your visitors ever see, so it’s prime real estate for capturing their attention and offering social proof. Case studies are powerful tools for building credibility, inspiring…

Case Studies | Success Stories | Impact Stories

Case Studies (also known as success stories and impact stories, depending on your field and goals) are an excellent way to build trust with prospective customers by providing them with an intimate look into how your product, service, or practice has worked for someone else.   Why are case studies important in marketing and donor…